I didn't want to post another article about how faith led to the murder of a bunch more people so soon after posting Islamic Extremism and Paris: Faith Isn't A Fucking Virtue, but here I am.
From the Planned Parenthood Shooter's perspective, his action was rational. This isn't a question of mental illness or insanity.
He was taught to believe, by faith, that:
"no more baby parts..."
That's what the guy said while murdering people in Planned Parenthood.
#1-5 are ideas taught in mainstream Christianity. #6 is a political agenda that uses 1-5 to stoke hatred against liberals and Democrats. Once he accepted 1-6, #7 was a rational action to take from his perspective.
His faith was the crucial aspect of this evil act, because he would never have considered abortion to be murder without his Christian faith.
He is a Christian Terrorist.